Commercial Supplies

RAS (Recirculation Aquaculture System)

Commercial Supplies

Commercial Supplies

A recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) is a type of aquaculture system that recycles and filters water, rather than relying on a constant flow of fresh water or exchanging water with the environment. The goal of a RAS is to create a closed-loop environment that can efficiently maintain optimal water quality, temperature, and oxygen levels for the cultivation of aquatic organisms.

In a RAS, water is filtered and treated to remove waste products and excess nutrients, and then recirculated back into the system. This allows for a high degree of control over the water quality and environment, which can help to reduce the risk of disease, improve the health and growth of the cultured organisms, and reduce the overall water and energy consumption of the system.

RAS are commonly used for the cultivation of species such as finfish, shellfish, and crustaceans, and are particularly useful for the culture of species that require precise water quality conditions. They can be designed for a wide range of scales, from small-scale systems for home or hobby use to large-scale commercial systems.

Commercial Supplies

Giant Freshwater Prawn Larvae

Commercial Supplies

Commercial Supplies

Giant freshwater prawn larvae are the early life stages of giant freshwater prawns, a type of crustacean that is widely farmed for human consumption. Giant freshwater prawns are farmed in ponds, tanks, or cages and the production of healthy and viable larvae is a critical component of the aquaculture industry.

The rearing of giant freshwater prawn larvae involves maintaining optimal water quality, temperature, and feeding conditions. Proper nutrition, including live feeds, is important for the survival and growth of the larvae. In addition, disease management and control are also crucial, as diseases can spread rapidly in high-density rearing systems and cause significant mortality.

Successful rearing of giant freshwater prawn larvae requires specialized knowledge and expertise, as well as investment in the proper facilities and equipment. The availability of high-quality giant freshwater prawn larvae can help to improve the sustainability and profitability of the aquaculture industry, as well as providing a source of nutritious and delicious seafood for consumers.

Commercial Supplies

Mudcrab Larvae

Commercial Supplies

Commercial Supplies

Mud crab larvae are the early life stages of mud crabs, which are a type of crustacean found in coastal waters around the world. They are a valuable species for commercial and subsistence fisheries, as well as being used as a model species for studies in aquaculture and marine biology. The larvae go through several morphological and physiological changes as they develop, and they require specific conditions in terms of temperature, salinity, and food in order to survive and grow.

Mud crab larvae can be reared in laboratory or hatchery settings, and the success of the rearing process depends on a number of factors, including proper water quality management, proper nutrition, and proper handling techniques. The use of mud crab larvae in aquaculture can help to improve the sustainability of wild mud crab populations by reducing pressure on wild stocks and increasing production for the industry. However, the rearing process can also be challenging and requires specialized knowledge and expertise in order to be successful.

Special Projects

Hardcore Poor Eradication Program

Special Projects

Special Projects

The term “hardcore poor eradication program” refers to a type of poverty alleviation program that aims to target the most vulnerable and marginalized populations who are living in extreme poverty. The goal of these programs is to provide comprehensive and sustained support to the hardcore poor, so that they can move out of poverty and lead a more stable and productive life.

A hardcore poor eradication program typically includes a range of interventions, including access to basic services such as health care and education, as well as job training and livelihood support. The program may also provide cash transfers, food assistance, and other forms of direct support to help the hardcore poor meet their basic needs.

In addition to providing immediate support, these programs also aim to address the underlying causes of poverty, such as inequality, lack of access to markets and services, and limited opportunities for economic growth. They may involve partnerships with government agencies, non-government organizations, and local communities to ensure that the support is well-targeted, effective, and sustainable.

Effective hardcore poor eradication programs require a strong commitment from all stakeholders, as well as a well-designed and implemented plan. Successful programs typically involve a multi-pronged approach that addresses the multiple and interrelated causes of poverty, and they involve close monitoring and evaluation to ensure that they are achieving their intended outcomes.

Special Projects

Social enterprise development

Special Projects

Special Projects

Social enterprise development refers to the process of creating and growing businesses that aim to achieve both social and financial objectives. Social enterprises are organizations that use commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders.


The development of social enterprises often involves identifying a social or environmental problem and creating a business model that addresses that problem in a sustainable and scalable way. This can involve developing new products or services, creating new distribution channels, or finding new ways to generate revenue.


There are many different approaches to social enterprise development, and it can be a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skills. Effective social enterprise development requires a clear understanding of the target market, a well-designed business model, and a robust plan for scaling and growth.


In many cases, social enterprise development is supported by government programs, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders who provide funding, mentorship, and other resources to help social entrepreneurs get started and grow their businesses. The goal is to create sustainable and impactful businesses that can have a positive impact on communities and the environment, while also generating financial returns for their owners and stakeholders.